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Listing optimization for Weider – NitroGenic.

Stage 1: Project unfold
Meeting with the account manager and copywriter.

Key pain points and challenges:
• No lifestyle images, or branded content on the listing.
• Low-quality infographics, with almost zero mentions of product benefits.
• Poor graphic strategy to approach the target market.
• Lack of use of story-telling and high-impact lifestyle images.

Stage 2: Design Process
Conducted a market and graphic research; chose stock images that matched the brand direction to create consistent graphics throughout the deliverables. Selected key product benefits and proceeded to design. Created the design based on the product label, Wider is an umbrella brand that has multiple products with different labels, not necessarily an official branding.

The product aims at the toughest athletes or weightlifting enthusiasts, so I applied the hyperbole concept on the images showing the aspiration “ideal” character to increase self-identification between the potential buyers and the product.

Stage 3: Launching
Client project review, revisions, and approval.

Deliverables for this project:
• Product infographics.
• A+ pages – Enhanced content description.

This project is one of the latest products that we have optimized for Weider, I have created graphics that deliver results for almost all their Amazon catalog, in multiple languages, and under different regulations.

*Lifestyle images and photographs were provided by the client and/or created in-house.

Product Infographics

Good Mask infographics

A+ Page

Good Mask A+ Page